Thursday, September 25, 2014

4 Secrets why leads generation services UK have their bags filled with quality leads

Are you terrified for your next meeting with your manager as you have not yet managed to meet out your monthly targets. Are you looking out for the conversion tips that you can implement on the business website? Wondering why the lead generation services UK always have a bag full of quality leads for almost all business niches? Then you need not worry, as this secret is revealed below. Here are some techniques that you can use to convert the visitors into leads without much of ado:

  1. Say NO to stock photos: When somebody try and pretend to be someone they are not, it is quite annoying. And you think, why can't they be just what they are? If your business use the stock photos, the visitors might feel icky. Stock photographs are a pretense as the perfection that is portrayed in the images is overrated. Real pictures might not be perfect but surely help people trust the brand. It sends out a loud and clear message that people are working with the real people and not scammers who might disappear overnight. Real pictures lend the human-touch to the online business and add to the credibility of the website. Hence, improves the conversions.
  2. Give some space to Call-to-Action: The call-to-action is a loner and deserves some space. It is important to let it breathe to perform well. Wondering why? The energy of the loner is lost in the crowd. The importance of the call-to-action is diluted when it is surrounded by several things. Distractions lead the visitors astray while a clutter-free placement of call-to-action button delivers optimal results.
  3. Spoilt by choice: We all love choices and if given choices, we find it to be an ideal situation. But it might also prove to be taxing for the brain. Even a simpler comparison gets difficult if there are too many choices. Most of the times we are left indecisive and end up not making any choice. Research shows that when people have limited choices, they make more purchases. If you truly want to give the choices, reduce the number of choices. Thinking reduce to what number? Anything more than one is simply too much.
  4. Understand the quirkiness of the target audience: It is very important to understand the quirkiness of the target audience. Wondering why? This is because the better you know thir eccentricities, the better you can customize the messages, so that it touch their heart. This is much like the real life situation, you connect to few people immediately because they understand your quirks and have similar habits. Thus, the trust factor comes in immediately. We are not on our guards when we are around them. So, it is a good idea to conduct customer surveys, read the research studies and understand the target audience

So, apply these conversion lessons today without procrastinating them until tomorrow. If you want to go slow and steady, apply them one by one. But, remember the manager is keeping a count whether you are meeting your target or not. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The mechanics of lead generation By using Offers

To make inbound lead generation possible, you need four crucial elements. These are offer, call-to-action, form and landing page. All these together make a perfect mix for generating leads. Wondering how offers can help in lead generation. Here are some tips that you need to remember to generate quality leads:

  1. Create irresistible offers: “Offers” is one of the most powerful and tempting word. As a sales person or marketer, the primary aim is to make people say 'Yes' to your offer. SO, it is important to have an offer that is exclusive and rare to make it desirable. Scarcity has a big psychological influence, as it creates a fear of shortage and a sense of urgency. Offer can be either limited time offers, limited quantity offers and a combination of limited quantity and time offer.
  2. Bandwagon Effect: Not only monkeys but also people have the tendency to copy one another. When we see our social circle or competitors doing one thhings, we tend to follow it. One way to make people realize how good the offer is by mentioning the number of people who availed the offer. For example, on the blog page under the 'Subscribe' module indicate the number of people that have subscribed. It is a proof that it is highly trusted and popular among the people.
  3. Leverage NewsJacking: If there is something buzz worthy, align the offers with 'whats hot'. Companies that leverage newsjacking for this technique works well for other offers too. Make the offer as irresistible as possible to power the leveraging both popularity and timing.
  4. Different offers for different buying stages:  The common offer that you will see on the website is 'Contact Us' as every business wants sales, but remember not everybody is sales ready. Some buyers might need more information than others, therefore develop different offers at different buying cycles. A buyer in the initial stages might want an ebook or guide, whereas a buyer in the sales funnel, might be interested in free trial. Don't create offers for every stage, just make primary and secondary Call-to-actions to the offers throughout the website.
  5. High-value offer formats: Not all offers are equal, some perform better than the others when it comes to lead conversion. Some of the offers that do well are: ebooks, presentations, reports and research, whitepapers, live webinars, blog posts and demo requests. It is recommended to test different offers with the audience to determine what really works for you.

Last but certainly not the least, avoid the over-use of the jargons and terms used in the industry. When describing the offer stay away from using the words like 'robust', 'scalable', 'easy-to-use' and 'cutting edge'. One last tip, spend good amount of time writing the headline, as it is alone the crowd puller whereas content is traffic holder.