Friday, September 18, 2015


If you have aggressive growth goals for your business this year, then it is vital to funnel your marketing budget towards improved methods for data provision and lead generation. The following information will inform readers how increase sales leads and achieve business growth:
Begin planning for next year TODAY!
Don’t wait until January of next year in order to think up a plan for the new year. Start today! Think of ways to improve your data provision and lead generation tactics. Will your business benefit from website redesign, a revival of blogs, or do you need a better marketing plan?
According to an old adage, “failing to plan is planning to fail”. The earlier you begin planning out your strategies, the higher the likelihood will be of you achieving those sales goals.
Closely examine what is working well this year
Examine previous year’s data with a fine toothed comb. Look at the CRM system, website/business analytics packages that were used and all accounts to get to the bottom of what worked and what wasn’t as effective. Hubspot is an excellent platform to measure ROI of various marketing methods you used. You may have to alter, move or scale your budget back from ineffective marketing strategies and invest more money into avenues that are more effective. If your marketing strategy was very disappointing, then you need to shake things up in a major way.
Hire fresh talent to charge of marketing
If you do not already have a “marketing in charge” person, then perhaps that can be your new investment for the up coming new year. Let’s face it, most business owners have a million things to do and when things get busy such payroll, meetings, management supervision etc. When things get very busy, it’s the marketing stuff that gets neglected. Hiring an individual to take over the responsibility of marketing and consequently data provisionand lead generation will mean that your marketing is not neglected and your goals for business growth in the new year will be reached! It’s all a matter of hiring the right person with the right skills for the job!
Step away from “campaign mentality”
Stop looking at your business’s marketing strategies as campaigns. Successful marketing strategies involve consistent action, otherwise you will end up facing unpredictable periods of quiet and busy times. Having this up and down cycle will make scalable growth and forecasting a major challenge, not to mention hamper your data provision and lead generation efforts. Most B2B marketing techniques require regular and consistent monitoring in order to achieve success.
Don’t wait until tomorrow, to start thinking about tomorrow. To get ahead of the game, start thinking about tomorrow’s sales strategies, today! By following some of the tips mentioned above, your business can greatly improve its sales figures.The bottom line for increasing sales in the new year is to implement, monitor and adjust your b2b marketing strategies so that your business can achieve better data provision and lead generation.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

8 Strategies That Will Maximize B2C Data Provision And Lead Generation

Do you want to take your business on the road to success? But don’t know how to get more leads which in turn means more sales and profit? Then you must look for effective b2c data provision and lead generation. But it is not easy to know which strategy will actually work for you?
If you are stuck for ideas when it comes to improving your b2c data provision and lead generation strategies? The following methods were some of the tactics used by successful sales teams:
Client Referrals
You can increase the chances of a client providing a referral to your business or company by implementing a referral-rewards system program. This will result in a higher lead conversion rate. You can start by making referrals a part of your regular prospecting activity.
Professionals of Influence                                                                                          
These are individuals in your business niche who may or may not work with the same target clients as you, but in a different manner. For example, a funeral director may refer a client to a financial planning professional and vice versa. In this different referral system, you can rely on each other as resources. Professionals of influence also need to be managed and cultivated on a constant basis.
This is an extremely cost-effective method because it dramatically reduces expenses that are typically associated with procuring new clients. In a webinar, invites are electronically mailed out and are inexpensive, particularly if you already have access to a b2c data provision and lead generation list. Prospects are more willing to take part in webinars than to face-to-face meetings. In order for this to be successful, the webinar topic and presentation must be informative and related to your business niche. It cannot be an overt sales pitch.
Telemarketing Firm or Person
Most sales firms will agree that time spent talking or meeting with prospective clients is the most profitable. Hiring an external telemarketing service or using an internal one will allows sales teams to maintain focus on selling. They should have experience with prospecting and in particular be familiar with your business’s nuances.
A well-managed radio or television campaign can raise prospective clients’ ideas about your brand’s value. When you project positive perception and recognition of your service or product, it can significantly boost b2c data provision and lead generation conversion rates.
Direct Mail
Even though this is more expensive than email campaigns, when a prospect replies to your direct mail piece, he or she is genuinely in need of your service or product. Pursuing a direct mail with a follow up call is also productive.
Trade Shows
Trade shows tend to draw in large crowds, especially those who may not have exposure to your brand. To boost conversion rates, devise a contest to get people to actively engage participants. By hosting a trade show, prospects have the opportunity to engage with your brand face-to-face. When conducting follow up calls afterwards, you are more likely to be successful.
Cold Calling
This is perhaps the least favorite of all the methods mentioned, but it is also the most unappreciated. To succeed in cold calling, your team needs outstanding preparation, an ability to establish rapport, a talent for imparting valuable information and closing a sale.

If you’re thinking about revamping your b2c data provision and lead generation strategies, consider the above mentioned methods.